Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We're getting a(nother) makeover

How does that old sing songy diddy go? First comes love, then comes marriage...?

Well, in our hot-headed, serially entrepreneurial, act first-think later life, we have a version of the saying that goes like this:

"First comes idea, then comes business-cards-and-godaddy.com-and-a-twitter-handle-and-a-blog-and-networking-events-and-emotional-roller-coasters...and then catch your breath."

But that doesn't bother us one bit (fine, one bit, but that's all. Not a bit more than one bit)

It takes a while to understand your own identity, and we're just not the type to sit around on a good idea, waiting to figure it out completely before we get started.

One day a few months ago we had an idea for a site that celebrated unique office decor, design, supplies and services by showcasing interesting work places and interesting people in their work environments.
At that point, we were new to the blogging game, but we stepped confidently into the blogosphere with all of the stupid courage of a cliff diver. We felt on top of the world - and driven by adrenaline we figured we might as well make the leap.

A few hours after the idea dawned on us, we'd bought the domain name and six days later - thanks to a rainy weekend - we got the site up and off the ground. It looked like crap. But we wrote. And people read. And we told people about it. And they nodded and they smiled and they told us we were glowing about it. And it was good.

But now it's been 3 months. One month of which we spent traipsing around Europe trying to forget what a computer was in order to find out whether when we were re-introduced to our old life we would actually like it as much as we thought we did when we were caught up in the momentum of it.

The day after we returned from vacation, we posted for the first time in a month and it felt right. So we kept writing. And reading other people's blogs.

And all this other-blog reading has given us a serious case of blog-design envy but also a much needed shot in the arm of optimism that this project can actually be something.

So we're going under the knife for a major blog-lift so we can go to market looking as good as it feels to be growing Office Envy.

We've partnered with Hanna Seabrook of GADABOUT to redesign our site and create for us a great new logo.

We're excited about it, and hope you are too!

If you have ideas about what you'd like our site to look like, let us know at OfficeEnvy@Gmail.com or on Twitter @Office_Envy

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