Friday, June 10, 2011

Desk Design

The lunch hour has come and gone on a summer Friday afternoon and the office has gone eerily quiet. It's the kind of quiet that makes you want to say something out loud to make sure it's really your co-workers, not your hearing, that have left the building.

It's that kind of quiet that can either be really great for getting work done -- or else somehow horribly distracting. Actually, maybe it's not the lack of chatter that's the problem, since everything today seems a bit distracting. While replying to emails this morning, the less important ones took the lead while we pushed off the bigger projects. Little tasks suddenly take on great importance. For instance, while we could be wrapping up the day's substantive work, it just dawned on us that our desk looks to be taking a walk on the wild side, organization wise. A jumble of cords, hair ties, a bottle of lotion we "borrowed" from a colleague without her permission, a Father's Day card awaiting a stamp, a wedding magazine even though we're already married and don't work in the bridal industry. All of these things really have no business on the 5' x 3' plank we call home 8 hours a day.

Right after this, it's time to clean up and give this desk a make over!

One Office Envy reader recently sent us this picture of these functional little friends who live on her desk. That's a tape dispenser on the left and a scissors holder on the right, care of Qualy, which makes an assortment of cute home and office accessories.

We also like the Sparrow paper clip holders that come in a variety of colors
And this squirrel & acorn push pin set for cork boards.

All are available at

1 comment:

  1. OMG. The squirrel push pin set-- haven't seen that one before!!
